About Us
Welcome to St. Luke’s CEVA Primary School website. We hope it gives you a flavour of this very special school, which has been serving the children of this community since 1864!
Our new vision statement below (launched April 2023) encapsulates what we want our community to achieve in the next few years as we all navigate this ever-changing world:
Aspiring to be just and kind
Walking humbly with God
Growing with every opportunity
We believe that by working in partnership with you as parents and the wider community we will give ourselves the best chance to develop the whole child. Our prime aim always remains to keep your child in a safe and stimulating environment and to help them learn to keep themselves ‘safe’ as they grow up. Their foundational skills in English and Maths, their physical and artistic skills and their sense of place and purpose in our world. Our constantly developing curriculum helps to engage and enthuse our children. We also continue to support many families who need extra help to ensure their children remain in a good place to continue their learning journey.
Read our Safeguarding Statement
Safeguarding is at the heart of everything we do and is always in our thoughts. This encompasses safe hiring practices, records collated centrally so no information is misplaced as well making sure the environment is safe and educational visits are well thought through. The other part of safeguarding is to ensure that all children are allowed to thrive so with our concentration on ensuring safety we are also able to offer a full range of activities so that children develop their ‘whole’ skill base not just the academic side.
(see 'Meet the Headteacher' info 2023)
The Whole Child
Our ‘whole child’ approach means preparing our children for their future life in the outside world. We pride ourselves on academic success but achieve this whilst still managing to focus on crucial areas such as Ecology - our ‘Fifth Flag with Distinction’ as an Eco School places us in the top 100 schools in the country for a sustainable approach to ecology. It also means in 2022 we attained the top ‘Platinum’ standard for our participation in borough sports tournaments and supported by the fact that although we are the smallest school in the borough, we continue to perform way above what is fair to be expected. In 2023 three of our teams have represented the whole borough of Newham at the London Youth Games. The secret to our success is the passion within the staff several of whom have coached top grade children’s sport and some have done so in a professional capacity. This approach runs parallel with a strong partnership with Newham Music which has seen us undertake pilot programmes that have now been widened out to the entire borough. We were a school that the Institute of Imagination (Ioi) pioneered their schools’ programme with and we also work annually with Architecture in Schools to ensure we are creating breadth in our curriculum. Music and sports are powerful tools towards increasing children’s self-belief which allows them to take the chances with their learning that are so crucial to problem solving and success in life.
How do we do what we do?
Our dedicated staff work incredibly hard to keep improving this wonderful school and everyone is crucial to our success – our cleaners keep the school pristine and our caretaker ensures that everything works as it should. The office staff led the effort to support families during the pandemic. The school has a thread of service and excellence going back approaching 160 years to the original covenant to serve the people of this area, a covenant that is cherished and protected by our governing body. If you have never been to the school before, please call:
0207 476 3559 or email me directly on: ht@st-lukes.newham.sch.uk and make an appointment for a tour of the school and a chance for you to ask me any questions you may have - I’d love to show you around.
Matt Hipperson